Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of 2011

''In this world,  all man do was just eating, drinking and find satisfy in their work'' 

Even it is meaningless, daily we still do it, because we are in this world. Man refuse to obey and trusting what God said, giving temptation to the satan, and now this is a world without God. 

           For a new year to come(2012) nothing is new. We still eat, drink, and find satisfaction in our own work. 
Who could say ''see, this is new?'' it has already been in ancient times before us. (Ecclesiates 1:10) The only same truth for everyone, we end with DEATH from this world. Are you going to say life is short, therefore we have enjoy before we die. Sadly, the Truth is, i found no satisfaction in any work. 

       I am with no strength to save myself, nor do i bring anyone satisfy in my work. I found no satisfaction! Every enjoyment are just for a second, it disappeared after all. Then what do i work for? 
We sinned, betrayed and refuse to trusting following God. What can i expect for myself in a world without God? 

        When the truth came to my mind that we shall all die for we have sinned against God, Jesus Christ came to me saying, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.'' (matthew 11:28) 

       This rest i have from Jesus Christ is a BIG BIG REST. In my soul and comforting me all the time. I still do the same thing as the world does, but now the only different was christian find satisfy in work for God, not ourselves. For what can i do to bring myself comfort in my work? And this is truly a big big REST for me. For i don't rely on the little strength of mine but the Creator of this world! God-the holy one

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Only Chance

Who did not know Salvation had been offer to us by Jesus Christ? When you says you do not know, then here you know, for i'm telling you now.
So much chances opportunity was given to man, bible, pastor's preaching in churches, those who had heard about the True Gospel and True Salvation, w
hat is their reaction?

Do not delay the time of God, the second returning of Jesus Christ as God, the judgement day will come.
When it comes, no one can fools God, we're saved if we g
et ready now and wait for his coming.
Persistence in doing good, honour and glorified God's name.

(Matthew 25:1-13) - Be the wise ones and not the foolish one, seek for God's grace and ask for salvation, for no one could enter the kingdom of He
aven if the limited time given for repentance ended.

God is long suffering God, for he so love us, giving us second chances to laid faith on Jesus Christ and paid off our sins. Yes God is mercy, but God is fair too. Those who continues in their sin refuses to repent will be cast into the eternal hell and no more grace shall be given from God anymore. Only with tears, gnashing of teeth, weeping and regretting be remain to us in the end. 

God is Holy, can't stand any single sin, that's why we have to repent, read
His words(bible) and obey his commandments. We ask, it shall be given. 

Question: Did you search for God? the only True God. 

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.''( Matthew7:7 )

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A New Start

No matter what happened, there can always be a new start by God Grace.
Never be too late to trust in Him but always too late for not putting your faith in Him now.

Life been renewing everyday by God. Thou sorrows come when wisdom and knowledge are given more (Ecclesiastes 1:18)  and more, but there's never ''regret'' for knowing God.

What's for the next? Working or studying? No matter how much talents i'm lacking of it, i never get frightened anymore. God is the light before me. No darkness could stun me down.

He preserve me ever since i was born, the way He work in me i couldn't understand, but my heart He preserve from the evil one. The great work of his power, i know.

Look! Where's God?

The opportunity for knowing and obey Him are given, but there's limited time.
The door are open for us now, but it will be close when our judgement day comes.
Who dare to say he/she is sinless?
Look around you and found no man remain righteous before God.

Treasures in Heaven.

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (Matthew 6:24 )