Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of 2011

''In this world,  all man do was just eating, drinking and find satisfy in their work'' 

Even it is meaningless, daily we still do it, because we are in this world. Man refuse to obey and trusting what God said, giving temptation to the satan, and now this is a world without God. 

           For a new year to come(2012) nothing is new. We still eat, drink, and find satisfaction in our own work. 
Who could say ''see, this is new?'' it has already been in ancient times before us. (Ecclesiates 1:10) The only same truth for everyone, we end with DEATH from this world. Are you going to say life is short, therefore we have enjoy before we die. Sadly, the Truth is, i found no satisfaction in any work. 

       I am with no strength to save myself, nor do i bring anyone satisfy in my work. I found no satisfaction! Every enjoyment are just for a second, it disappeared after all. Then what do i work for? 
We sinned, betrayed and refuse to trusting following God. What can i expect for myself in a world without God? 

        When the truth came to my mind that we shall all die for we have sinned against God, Jesus Christ came to me saying, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.'' (matthew 11:28) 

       This rest i have from Jesus Christ is a BIG BIG REST. In my soul and comforting me all the time. I still do the same thing as the world does, but now the only different was christian find satisfy in work for God, not ourselves. For what can i do to bring myself comfort in my work? And this is truly a big big REST for me. For i don't rely on the little strength of mine but the Creator of this world! God-the holy one

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Only Chance

Who did not know Salvation had been offer to us by Jesus Christ? When you says you do not know, then here you know, for i'm telling you now.
So much chances opportunity was given to man, bible, pastor's preaching in churches, those who had heard about the True Gospel and True Salvation, w
hat is their reaction?

Do not delay the time of God, the second returning of Jesus Christ as God, the judgement day will come.
When it comes, no one can fools God, we're saved if we g
et ready now and wait for his coming.
Persistence in doing good, honour and glorified God's name.

(Matthew 25:1-13) - Be the wise ones and not the foolish one, seek for God's grace and ask for salvation, for no one could enter the kingdom of He
aven if the limited time given for repentance ended.

God is long suffering God, for he so love us, giving us second chances to laid faith on Jesus Christ and paid off our sins. Yes God is mercy, but God is fair too. Those who continues in their sin refuses to repent will be cast into the eternal hell and no more grace shall be given from God anymore. Only with tears, gnashing of teeth, weeping and regretting be remain to us in the end. 

God is Holy, can't stand any single sin, that's why we have to repent, read
His words(bible) and obey his commandments. We ask, it shall be given. 

Question: Did you search for God? the only True God. 

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.''( Matthew7:7 )

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A New Start

No matter what happened, there can always be a new start by God Grace.
Never be too late to trust in Him but always too late for not putting your faith in Him now.

Life been renewing everyday by God. Thou sorrows come when wisdom and knowledge are given more (Ecclesiastes 1:18)  and more, but there's never ''regret'' for knowing God.

What's for the next? Working or studying? No matter how much talents i'm lacking of it, i never get frightened anymore. God is the light before me. No darkness could stun me down.

He preserve me ever since i was born, the way He work in me i couldn't understand, but my heart He preserve from the evil one. The great work of his power, i know.

Look! Where's God?

The opportunity for knowing and obey Him are given, but there's limited time.
The door are open for us now, but it will be close when our judgement day comes.
Who dare to say he/she is sinless?
Look around you and found no man remain righteous before God.

Treasures in Heaven.

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (Matthew 6:24 )

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Birthday + Family

Today my family celebrated my birthday for me. It was quite early since my birthday was actually on 30 november. But this time it was really a surprise :)
         I had always complained to my sister they can't bring out surprise for my birthday because i like surprise. They just not good at it haha. But they even skipped my birthday cake for last year. So sad. Fortunately this time they brought me up with a surprise celebration, because it was really too early and that's why it is totally unexpected to me.  
        My birthday cake is fruit cake! Compare to chocolate or other favour cake, i really prefer just fruit cake. Fruit cake is just simple and tasty. YUm yUM! Any kind of fruits is fine for me but i just don't like heavy flavour like chocolate. Not hate but just not so like.
       I'm always glad God gave me a family. They ain't perfect for every single one of them, but they are the most irreplaceable one for me. Even this birthday were not on time, but i still enjoy a simple and happy birthday celebration. With family is enough for me. I love God and my family. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

MIdst in my life

I love listening to my blog's cover soft music, they just somehow calm my feeling down when ever i was almost bursting out the ''scream'' in my head my mind. Ya, the exam is not easy at all for me. What could i do? i tried my best to study isn't it? I'm just not a science student. But still, somewhere in my mind, just telling me, no u could do better but where is your bigger effort? I'm just tired.
            Nothing make a change even i studied. Since the beginning. They really cut of my brave for a certain time. I was afraid to put much more effort as it doesn't make a change. But now, in my mind, even if i did really fail for my exam, i guess it would be okay for me. There are much more things important than just studies.
            While i was in the midst of my education, i worries more of my spiritual life. What if i die today? what did i do for my Lord?  i was confuse, i was stuck. I doesn't know what to do next. The only thing i know, is to finish reading my bible. Whenever i have a big question mark in my mind, even for now, the only thing i could know is - because u don't know my word. Ya i really doesn't know well of the Lord i trust in except Jesus did die for my sin. I guess i just have to study more of Him and his words. 

            So when the position of God is much more important than anything in my life, i wasn't afraid to lose anything e.g.studies and result. I'm more afraid of losing God. But God promised us in the bible, when we come to Him, he will never push us away, but just how much effort i give in to meet him?

 Conclusion? As you can see, for me, or even for you(whoever you are) , it was better to chase after God than chasing after anything else in this world. Not relationship, not studies, not achievement in your life or what ever you could do just bringing yourself up high upon people, but humble and looking for God for help in our sinful life, look for salvation. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I couldn't fix things right by my own. GOD! Be my Power please! 

Just Recently

Had been troubled by so many things around me. Just hoping they won't crash me down, neither do they harm those who i care for. Our heart is just so weak isn't? Every time each problems troubled me, they just teach me how wretched i am and how merciful God is. Well my friends would think i was craping along, or questioning me why do i always seem to grab everything on my head? But they are just not under my choice! Can't you get it? It  just simply because we are sinners before God. Once we realize this truth, no one just seems to run away from the truth. 

Nothing! nothing on this world will truly satisfy you or thing you wish UNLESS you have salvation from Jesus Christ.

You might think of hiding yourself up doing what you like or enjoying it temporary, just lot's of the activities you could try, but trust me, God has his limits on us! Though God is long suffering, allowing us to have our life now, someday, just one day, all those who is disobeying him will be crash into the eternal hell. You want prove? The whole bible is the Truth. 

This is what i learn at least, '' Though Man will Betray Man, But Jesus Christ Never Dump Me ALONE!''

My heart is weak, i know. And my mind isn't strong enough. What else do i need to wish for? I just want to know YOU more, to hold my Faith my Heart my Mind strong enough to bind them with your Words. 
Even if they laugh, God you smile. Because it is the only wise choice in your eyes. To be obeying my Creator. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

YOU in my life

I was blind, but YOU make me see.
My heart was harden than a rock, but Y
OU soften my heart and have mercy on me. 

When friends do not understand YOU, they may critics or laugh as i am a fool. But please have mer
cy on them, because before i know nothing of YOU, I was even worst.  YOU saved me. If they were going to be given mercy from YOU and understand how treasure YOU are, we would have place YOU most high in our heart and praise Your name serve YOU forever!

Before Your mercy on sinners like us, who would have know YOU? No one will be save. And now, thank YOU for giving us Jesus Christ, for now we could redeemed salvation from Him as we obey YOU and preserve till the end while our life on earth. It was given freely to those who BELIEVE and keep it by Faith through Grace in Christ alone! :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Saviour

No man seems to be perfect, even you found some good character around you, still, no one is perfect. Being a christian not just something to be bringing out from my mouth, but Christ follower. Just because i found no perfect man around me, i trust in Jesus Christ. Because He is the only perfect man, son of God, and the only one who can save you and me. Even i'm not perfect, with lots of weakness, still, he love me. Therefore we need to be the light of the world and salt of the world, for this temporary and spiritually fallen world. We can find no peace here, people dying around and man losing their own faith. Therefore i will never let go my faith, trusting on my Lord who gave up his life dying on the cross just for saving us, saving us from the judgement of hell because of our unforgiving sins.
Jesus i Love You. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Final Lap

Aja aja fighting! :D No matter how, this last round, just biting my teeth and run finish this last lap! No matter what, yeshh! Just try my best for this last exam :)
Haih..Even though everything doesn't go well, but so what? This is just part of my growing process isn't? I will fight for this last round, for not wasting my two years studies. I will get satisfying result for my ownself. A result where at least my hard work worth for! 
This is not the end of my life, but process! YES part of the growing process! heez.. =)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's in my Consideration?

Those who cares for me, i know very well, i should try my best. But holding on fighting for something i really have no interest in, is really so hard. I tried, tried and tried, it never hits my target. Not even half of them. They are just not my interest, but still peoples around me could only give one advice ''try your best''

Such an easy sentence to be spoken out. The real meaning, i couldn't hit on them. Do you even understand the feeling of being a failure? Fail, of course they do have a hit on it sometimes. But being failure and never try on success, who can understand the bitterness. Who understand me?

STPM. Such a heavy load on me right now. I know, i shouldn't choose to do what i like only, but like what i do. Woahh, sounds so nice isn't? I couldn't do it either. The problem isn't trying your best or not anymore, but what can i do after fail? Because certainly i know so well, i will definitely not passing my exam. 

It's not blaming on my effort, but i have no intelligence like my friends to study science field. Maybe our brain instruction is just difference. Now, biggest problem to me, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Money doesn't fly down from the sky for me, i wouldn't have enough finance to be waste on my studies when i am not suppose to be in some field which i couldn't handle at all isn't it? And it comes to my mind, should i just let go of it? 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Study Week

Well this will be my trials of stpm for this coming exam. It is a total busy week. Not enough rest? yea of course. The level of nervous is hitting the top part of my heart. Who knows will it ruins my health badly? But certainly i must at least hit certain target for this coming exam. 

It is really tired to always keep things right. But what to do?  It's my responsibility to study as a student. 
Let us try our BEST! Why not? :) 

While trying our best to do things right, it would even bring glory to God. We did not wasted our living life. 

It will never be bad for trying our best. Just for one week before exam! And i will use up all the time for studies. Maintaining it till the end of trials exam!  =)

Monday, September 5, 2011


这一个礼拜好忙碌哦… 最糟糕的是,闹心的事儿也不忘了敲敲我心门,不停地打闹着我的思绪。好多好多麻烦,却不知能向谁诉说一切。我的心思,漂浮不停…自己也差点儿忘了我是谁。我的坏习惯吗?就是面对不了该面对的事儿,就麻醉自己,让自己沉淀于一切之外。可我知道,这样的我根本没把事情解决。搞不好,还弄巧反拙呢……


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Dream ( True Grace )

Lately, i was enjoying a novel ''Out of the Depths'' by John Newton. This version which i am reading right now it's a little different whereby people had helped to change it a little to better grammar and vocabulary suiting nowadays youngteens. :) 

I just wanted to share a little favourite part of it for me. At least it really inspire me a lots.
Hope all the readers find it interesting to you as well :)

His Dream of the Ring 

In my dream the scene was the harbor of Venice, where i had lately been. I though it was night, and I was standing my watch upon the dock.  As I was walking back and forth by myself, someone brought me a ring. I was explicitly charge to keep it carefully and assured that while I preserved that ring I would be happy and successful. If i lost or parted with it, I must expect nothing but trouble and misery.I accepted the present and the terms willingly, not doubting in the least that i would carefully preserve it. I was highly satisfied to have my happiness in my own keeping. 

         Then a second person came to me. Observing the ring on my finger, he began to ask question concerning it. I readily told him about its virtues. He expressed surprise at my weakness in expecting such effects from a ring. He reasoned with me for some time, and at last urged me to throw the ring away.

         At first I was shocked at the proposal, but his persuasions prevailed. I began to think and then doubt. At last I plucked it off my finger and dropped it over the ship's side into the water. At the same instant, a terrible fire burst out from a range of the mountain, a part of the Alps, which appeared at some distance behind the city of Venice. I saw the hills as distinctly as if awake, and they were all in flames.
        I perceived, too late, my foolishness. My tempter, with an air of insult, informed me that all the mercy of God in reserve for me was containing in that ring, which i willfully thrown away. I understood that i must now go with him to be burning mountains, and that all the flames I saw were kindled on my account. I trembled, and was in a great agony, but my dream continued. As i stood self condemned, without plea or hope, suddenly a third person, or the same who brought me the ring at first ( I am not certain which) , came to me and asked for the cause of my grief.

        I told him plainly, confessing that i had ruined myself willfully and deserved no pity. He blamed my  foolhardiness and asked if i would be wiser if I had my ring again. I could hardly answer for i thought it was gone beyond recovery. Indeed, I had no time to answer before i saw this unexpected friend go down under the water, just at the spot where i had dropped the ring. He soon returned, bringing it with him.

        The moment he came on board, the flames in the mountains were extinguished and mu seducer left me. Then was ''the prey taken from the hand of the mighty, and the lawful captive delivered'' ( Isaiah 49:24 ). My fear ended, and with joy and gratitude I approached my kind deliverer to receive my ring again. But he refused to return it and said to me, '' If you are to be entrusted with this ring again, you would very soon bring yourself into he same distress. You are not able to keep it, but I will preserve it for you. Whenever it is needful, I will produce it in your behalf.''

I awoke in a state of mind that is difficult to describe.

This story it reveals to our life as well. The original peace which sinful us had lost it with our God will be found again. And it is only through Jesus Christ's death for us. That why True Christian love our God and truly appreciate what Jesus Christ had done for us. And it did not end until we die, just like the third person who appeared in his dream, Jesus Christ preserve our life for us. Or else, we lose it to our own sin and persuade of demons. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Dream

The best treasure i had.

My dream is to share the best i had to all especially my love ones.

The best things i could share with all my love ones is my Saviour Jesus Christ.
He is my Best Treasure. Everything for me it's from God. My rest, my peace, He gave me all.

And Lord, i certainly will treat you as my Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. =)

>> Matthew 13 : 44-46

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Be faithful

Just as normal in the morning, i read this verses and it reminds me to be faithful. Faithful to God and not forgetting we will surely get a Rest from Him . =)

( Hebrew 3 : 7 -11 ) 

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says:
''Today, if you will hear His voice, 
Do not harden your heart as the rebellion, 
In the day of trial in the wilderness
Where your fathers tested me, tried me, and saw My works forty years. 
Therefore i was angry with that generation, 
And said : ' They always go astray in their heart, And they have not known My ways.'
So, I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my Rest.''

Monday, August 22, 2011

Best Effort?

I never knew, what is the best i can do. Because certainly i never tried my best. Words were spoken lightly and easily, but where is my effort? For the time had come, and now, i really wants to give out my best effort! What is the best i can do? If i wanting for it so bad, please allow me to prove it with my application. 
Only trying the best gives no regret. 
I am trying to try harder. To give the best i can. 
And now, it's counting down for my day. ( Left : 21 days )

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Comforter

True Doctrines of God's word, giving me true peace. True peace i never found in the world. 
Comfort i found in Jesus Christ, the love that He had on us, the forever peace which Him alone can give me. I never find such happiness in my life. 
Every time reading through the word's of God, every time having Bible verses in my mind. Whenever i meditate day and night, observing again and again, God relief my heart. It can't even be compare to the feeling when i get the best grade for my math on real exam! For i know i can be save, no matter how sinful i am. For i know i have a Saviour who willingly die for those who believes Him as the Son of God, our only and True Saviour. Whereby in this world, where money can't even buy life.

Thank you for saving me,  my Lord 
Not for this world, but saving me from our condemnation. Spiritually Saved! :)

Do they know?

Friends who were given the opportunity listens to true gospel, please do not take it for granted from God. Those who were given the opportunity to speaks in public, they are the one have to be even more extremely careful about what they speaks in God's word. Because our tongue is hard to be control. 

Around my life, there are many, who were given opportunity to be born in good family background, parents attending church, and even listening to gospel every sunday. But it is really sad seeing many of my friends around me, perhaps many of the youth as well, lightly speaking out Jesus Christ as their Saviour and yet do not glorify God in their life. 
It is really hurtful, seeing so many people misusing God's name, giving out false testimony. My dear friends, do you not know, until we were die, we will never know are we able to enter the kingdom of God- Heaven. 

Who are we to ask our maker, ''isn't i do this for you?'', ''isn't i do that for you?'', ''why am i still condemned?'' 
Many of the ''namely'' christian do not understand the true fact : 
No ones run away from their own condemnation.

So even christian face their condemnation? why not. We all have to bear up our own sins. But the only difference between true christian and those who are not, the only different is Jesus had paid up the cost needed for us to be condemn for our own sin in the Eternal Hell Fire. Jesus had died for our sin. 

I really hope all my friends around me who profess to be christian (Christ's follower), do it in your life as you really carrying the name of Christian. Live your life for Him, as though we really worth to be saved by Jesus Christ our Saviour. If things we learned from bible can't be applicable in our daily life, it will not be worth learning anymore.  

Right Thought?

Of sometimes, or should i say throughout all these while, i never though i am having the wrong mind. Until the truth finally revealed to me.
Believing in my God shouldn't be something burdensome, but throughout all these while, i had falsely burden up myself. It should be trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of what Jesus had done for me, rather than feeling burden, i should have willingly follow God's law. 

What a self-fish thought i had? I was once in the mist thinking why is it so hard for following God's law and obeying all His decrees. But it was hard because i was the one falsely understood what he meant to us. I obey, in attempting to get something back from God, such as blessing? But it was wrong. 

Thank you, my Lord. You were always beside me, slowly guiding me along the way of my faith. =)
Now i finally understood, we have to obey because it will be our protecting shield! Protecting us from the evils one, giving us wisdom in order to fight against our own sins. Giving me comforts. Ensuring lights is always before me. 

All along my ways in believing You, I have learns loves, patience, silent, satisfaction, and living my life sincerely. I never regret of knowing you, my only True God. 

Friday, August 19, 2011



        我记得,上帝曾在圣经里告诉我们,若我们是神 的儿女(基督徒),既然世上的父母都晓得应当教导子女,教训他们真理,难道你们在天上的父不会教导你们吗?

       我本身常认为,若神 爱我,就应当保护我不受任何的伤害。但我忘了更重要的一点,‘人只有在错误中,才懂得珍惜,懂得学习。’

这一片文章,我只想提醒自己,就算生命中真遇到不如意的事,别因此埋怨 神。无论好的坏的,对于我来说,它们都是 神特别给于我的。神 爱我们,他比我更了解自己需要什么,只是我可能不了解神的用心。我因为挫折,让我懂得珍惜。

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Story ( 18 / 8 / 2011)

On the normal topic for some sort of question, human can't even decide which is right or wrong.
I have seen such human, even something that we all know it's wrong, they could turn all day long just to tell you the wrong could be right if you just think it's right. How can this be? wrong must me wrong! how could wrong be right? can we really control it?

An example would help. Such that my friend had started a topic by saying it's such a tragedy to have Rape among girls, we should prevent it. But surprisingly my friends had answer her, ''you should just enjoy being rape as sex, rather than rejecting the one who rape you, to avoid yourself being harm further,''
then they continued, ''it will be better if you just enjoy the moment, even after being rape, just take it as an experience for your first time, rather than feeling upset or wanting to die. Even if it's not first time, you should be able to accept it easier.''

Girls had answered them : '' you dont even know what's the feeling of being rape. It is not the will of the victim, they were force to have it. How can you just call them enjoy it? Do you even know how bad is the feeling being force to do such thing? ''

What kind of people would have thought that way?! Even if it's just a joke, this joke has just went to far isn't it?
Is there peoples who still cares about their virginity? I believe there is! If not i wouldn't be writing this post anymore.

No matter who are you who reading my post right now, what do you think?

I have had been believing human are sinner, we do wrongs. But i really never thought we have went so far. As i grow, i see more and more dirty mind people around me. With their stone heart, they never see things they done is wrong. I believe these people are the kind of '' self-fish'' people, having the mind of ''I will never be wrong! Because i control myself! '''s so sad! But tragedy around has just shown bible is always telling the Truth of Life.

 2 Timothy 4:3 - "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Need ☆

Help, i ask. 

I had lost everything.

I have no turning back.

I need for the unknown me.

I have no strength.

I rejected you with my heart.

As you said, we control fully by our own desire. 
With mouth worshiping you alone, it is not enough. 

The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. (Isaiah 29: 13)

I need you, Christ ♥  

心的声音 ♥

觉得.. 我不

Lost ☆

and found no way,

but seen no where. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Only You ♥

no one else. 

Only you understand me, better than me.
No one knows me perfectly, but you do.
Even myself, do not know, but you do.
Only you, i could give up everything to love you.

Not many know your way. 
For it is narrow gate and hard way.
But if someone found the true of your way.
No one gives up. 

Those who did not perseverance till the end,
Because they do not know the True Value of you.
You are my life my everything,
Who would have give up you when they tasted the love in you?

You are the only Hope.
You are my best couple nor friend.
Even best family it's still you.
You are more than words could say.

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.''
 ( matthew 13: 44 )